Children’s Place

Entries in baby play gyms (1)


Play Gyms Play A Crucial Role In Developing Babies Minds, Muscles, and Fine Motor Skills

Finn + Emma Baby Gyms (boy version). Montage courtesy of

Baby gyms are definitely very valuable tools in helping babies get a head start in their development – both mentally and physically – and there is no small selection from which to choose.

There are a lot of different styles of baby gyms, but they all have some basic functions, which include:

  • Stimulating the senses through combinations of colors, music, and squeaking noises.
  • Developing hand-eye coordination while grasping for things.
  • Developing fine motor skills when grabbing things.
  • Building body muscles when pulling themselves up to grab at something.
  • Developing lessons in cause and effect (to a baby’s mind, “When I do this, this happens), like when they squeeze a toy and it squeaks.
  • Stimulating learning social interaction between babies and parents – teaching babies about colors, shapes, sounds, and names of things.

Baby gyms are not meant to be babysitters though, and parental supervision is always necessary. Toys can break and become hazards.

At, they made a point that’s obvious, but worth repeating, which is that, “It’s important that the product be used on floors only, and never high areas such as tables or beds.” Another reminder is to never place these toys near stairs or other potentially dangerous areas.

Play gyms are to be enjoyed and used for developmental growth, but when selecting a location for them, always play worst-case-scenario in your mind.

Safety considerations kept in mind, there are a lot of great options for baby gyms. Let’s look at some of my favorites.

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