Children’s Place

Entries in learning about global warming (1)


Little Green Books’ Online Site Helping Kids Save Earth With Free Webgames, Prints & Great Books

Little kids naturally love the environment. They love to go outside and do things like ride their bikes, go to the playground, or anything else that involves getting some fresh air.

Their love of spending time outdoors is also a great way to teach them to love taking care of the environment.

For the little ones – just starting pre-school and up to a few years older – this is a great time to introduce them to entertaining children’s books and play activities about preserving the environment.

I came across a great site from Simon and Schuster called Little Green Books that has wonderful resources for teaching young children – in very easy to understand ways – about things like:

  • Recycling and repurposing stuff around the house.
  • Gardening and learning how things grow.
  • Endangered species and their habitats.
  • Global warming in kid-friendly ways.

The site has a lot of fun features. Among them are three free interactive games that teach about recycling, endangered animals, and gardening.

The first game is called Recycle Away!, and this is how you play:

  • There are three recycling bins with the labels – cans and bottles, plastic and glass, and paper and cardboard.
  • The player has to use the mouse to put five items into their proper bins – they are: a newspaper, a cardboard box, a glass bottle, a plastic bottle, and a can. When the player does it correctly, they win!

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