Children’s Place

Entries in toddler-proofing your home (1)


Toddlers Gaining Stability in Walking and Play With Natural Wood Push Toy Walkers

There are few prouder moments for parents than when their babies take their first steps. This proud time comes at about nine months old for most babies, and there are a lot of things that parents need to do to make this a safe, easy, and happy developmental experience.

At about nine months old, most babies will start trying to pull themselves up to a standing position using furniture or whatever is available, which is why a toddler walker is a good idea.

Even if you buy a walker, the first thing you need to do is toddler-proof your home. “Obviously, one of the first things you should do is to remove items that are within your baby’s reach that he could pull down on himself. If you have table lamps, place them far back out of the baby’s reach,” says

“Don’t have ornaments that can easily break where your baby can reach them, and make sure that there is nothing sharp that your baby will be able to reach when using furniture to help with balance,” adds

Dr. William Sears offers further suggestions for making your home a safe environment for a new walking toddler, which are:

  • Secure lamp cords so lamps can’t be pulled down.
  • Anchor floor lamps, or remove them.
  • Cushion sharp corners on coffee tables, piano benches, and hearths.
  • Display breakables out of baby’s reach, or put them away for a few years.
  • Move plants
  • Push chairs all the way up to the table to prevent climbing.
  • Install latches on drawers and cabinets that hold breakable dishes.
  • Push items to the centers of tabletops.

Watching your baby learn to walk will be a happier and less stressful experience when your home has been toddler-proofed. Then, the next priority is finding a walker that is both safe in itself, as well as fun and versatile enough to be used past when your baby doesn’t need the physical support anymore.

This is why natural push toy walkers are such a good idea. They are safe (using only non-toxic paints and other materials) and most can be used as just fun toys later on. But even with these toys, some additional safety considerations should be kept in mind.

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