
Entries in skin regeneration (1)


Research Finding New Properties of Vitamin C Supporting Youthful Skin Renewal

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Everyone’s always looking for healthy ways to look better. Well, here’s some research that might make you consider increasing your citrus intake, and maybe adding some beauty products containing vitamin C to your regiment.

In a collaborative study, researchers from the University of Leicester in England and the Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology in Portugal found a form of vitamin C that helps promote wound healing and also helps protect the DNA in skin cells from damage.

In the vitamin C research, Dr. Tiago Duarte said the study analyzed how the human dermal fibroblasts (large flat cells in the connective tissue that secrete collagen and elastic fibers) are effected by “sustained exposure to a vitamin C derivative, ascorbic acid 2-phosphate.”

A researcher with the IMCB, Duarte added, “We investigated which genes are activated by vitamin C in these cells, which are responsible for skin regeneration. The results demonstrate that vitamin C may improve wound healing by stimulating fibroblasts to divide and by promoting their migration into wounded areas.

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