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Self-Expression Made Easy - Creating Your Own Unique Clock

Photo courtesy of Craftstylish.com

The clocks have leaped forward and spring is almost officially here. This time of year always brings out the desire to clean up the clutter and maybe do a little redecorating too!

One of the best and least expensive ways to change the feel of a room - and definitely make it a little more unique - is to create an accent clock.

Besides that, a refurbishing project can be a great weekend family activity where you can get everyone involved, including the kids! A clock making project offers a lot of versatility in both the designs and materials that can be used.

The best start-up design ideas are the ones that offer you the most creative freedom once you have the basics down. Here are five of the best (at least in my opinion) do-it-yourself clock designs, with each corresponding site offering full instructions:

  • Retro Vinyl Record Clock - This idea is just as its name implies. It’s kind of cool and funky. For this one, you’ll need: a vinyl record, a hot glue gun with lots of glue sticks, a school glue stick, a lot of old magazines, and a clock kit.
  • Photo courtesy of Sustainlane.com

  • Vinyl/CD Techno Clock - This one has a bit of a modern/futuristic feel. It basically involves painting a vinyl record, gluing a CD over it, and then cutting up bits of another CD and decorating the outside. The materials needed are: several CDs, one vinyl record, a clock kit, sharp scissors, fabric paint, and a hot glue gun.
  • Photo courtesy of C. Jeanne Heida.

  • Industrial Clock - This one was put on display in a home economics class. This project will require: a frying pan, kitchen utensils, ruler, masking tape, pen/pencil, power drill, super glue, and clock kit.
  • Photo courtesy of The Center of Creativity.

  • Variety Custom Clock - This one is probably among the easiest to make and has the most versatility. It basically involves taking a clock that you already have or buying one from a thrift store and changing the inside face. The materials required are: a working clock to take apart; an optional new body to become a clock; a picture for the face; optional buttons or other small objects for the number marks; E6000 glue or super glue; white glue; scissors and a knife; and depending on your clock, other optional basic tools, such as a screwdriver, wrench, pliers or drill.
  • Photo courtesy of Craftstylish.com

  • Kid’s Art Clock Craft Project - This idea is great if you have young kids that still make drawings. It suggests selecting a drawing, putting it in a frame and installing a clock mechanism. The basic materials/tools needed are: a picture frame, artwork, clock kit, glue, power drill, batteries.

Another bonus about all of these ideas is that they are a great way to creatively recycle old material that might otherwise end up in a landfill. If anyone tries any of these ideas or has already tried them, please everyone know how it went.


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