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Entries in emphysema (1)


Icelandic Eruption to Have Far Reaching Health Consequences

Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano has now been erupting for nearly a month - intensifying over the last week, with no end in sight. As the ash plume continues to spread across Europe, those affected will go far beyond the airlines and travelers.

The ash plume will also affect all those that breath the air it saturates - people and animals alike, especially if it falls as acid rain. The World Health Organization says that “as long as the ash remains in the upper atmosphere, there will not likely be an increased risk of health effects, but people with chronic respiratory conditions such as asthma, emphysema, or bronchitis may be more susceptible to irritation if the ash is in the lower atmosphere in high concentrations.”

“If people are outside and notice irritation in their lungs, a runny nose, or itchy eyes, they should return indoors and limit their outdoor activities,” said Dr. Maria Neira, director of the public health and environment department at WHO.

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